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461 lines
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package sentinel
import (
type Config struct {
Debug bool `toml:"debug"` //调试开关(会在日志打印REDIS语句)
Master string `toml:"master"` //REDIS主host&port 与 MasterName 互斥
MasterName string `toml:"mastername"` //REDIS主名称,值不为空是启动sentinal模式, 与Master互斥
Username string `toml:"username"` //REDIS连接用户名
Password string `toml:"password"` //REDIS连接用户密码
Sentinels string `toml:"sentinels"` //哨兵节点列表,逗号分隔,一般配置三个
SentinelUsername string `toml:"sentinel_username"` //哨兵节点连接用户名,不填默认default
SentinelPassword string `toml:"sentinel_password"` //哨兵节点连接密码,不填认为集群无密码
Wait *bool `toml:"wait"` //当无可用连接时,是否等待
MaxIdle *int `toml:"max_idle"` //最大空闲连接数
MaxActive *int `toml:"max_active"` //最大活跃连接数
IdleTimeout *int `toml:"idle_timeout"` //空闲超时时间
type Sentinel struct {
// Addrs is a slice with known Sentinel addresses.
Addrs []string
// MasterName is a name of Redis master Sentinel servers monitor.
MasterName string
// Dial is a user supplied function to connect to Sentinel on given address. This
// address will be chosen from Addrs slice.
// Note that as per the redis-sentinel client guidelines, a timeout is mandatory
// while connecting to Sentinels, and should not be set to 0.
Dial func(addr string) (redis.Conn, error)
// Pool is a user supplied function returning custom connection pool to Sentinel.
// This can be useful to tune options if you are not satisfied with what default
// Sentinel pool offers. See defaultPool() method for default pool implementation.
// In most cases you only need to provide Dial function and let this be nil.
Pool func(addr string) *redis.Pool
mu sync.RWMutex
pools map[string]*redis.Pool
addr string
func NewPool(cfg Config) *redis.Pool {
if cfg.MasterName == "" {
panic("config is invalid: MasterName is empty")
} else if cfg.Master != "" && cfg.MasterName != "" {
//panic("config is invalid: Master & MasterName must not set both")
var (
masterName = cfg.MasterName
masterUsername = cfg.Username
masterPassword = cfg.Password
sentinelUsername = cfg.SentinelUsername
sentinelPassword = cfg.SentinelPassword
sntnl = &Sentinel{
Addrs: strings.Split(cfg.Sentinels, ","),
MasterName: masterName,
Dial: func(addr string) (redis.Conn, error) {
timeout := 1000 * time.Millisecond
c, err := redis.DialTimeout("tcp", addr, timeout, timeout, timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var okstr = "OK"
if sentinelPassword != "" && sentinelUsername != "" {
okstr, err = redis.String(c.Do("AUTH", sentinelUsername, sentinelPassword))
} else if sentinelPassword != "" {
okstr, err = redis.String(c.Do("AUTH", sentinelPassword))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis sentinel AUTH failed: <%s>", err.Error())
} else if okstr != "OK" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis sentinel AUTH failed: <%s>", okstr)
return c, nil
if cfg.Wait == nil {
cfg.Wait = new(bool)
*cfg.Wait = true
if cfg.IdleTimeout == nil {
cfg.IdleTimeout = new(int)
*cfg.IdleTimeout = 300
} else if *cfg.IdleTimeout <= 0 {
*cfg.IdleTimeout = 86400 * 365 * 10
if cfg.MaxIdle == nil {
cfg.MaxIdle = new(int)
*cfg.MaxIdle = 100
} else if *cfg.MaxIdle < 0 {
*cfg.MaxIdle = 100
if cfg.MaxActive == nil {
cfg.MaxActive = new(int)
*cfg.MaxActive = 100
} else if *cfg.MaxActive < 0 {
*cfg.MaxActive = 100
var (
logPrefix = "redis"
logStdPrefix = "DBUG "
logStdWriter = os.Stdout
logStdFlags = log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
logStdLogger = log.New(logStdWriter, logStdPrefix, logStdFlags)
return &redis.Pool{
MaxIdle: *cfg.MaxIdle,
MaxActive: *cfg.MaxActive,
Wait: *cfg.Wait,
IdleTimeout: time.Duration(*cfg.IdleTimeout) * time.Second,
Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
masterAddr, err := sntnl.MasterAddr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := redis.Dial("tcp", masterAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var okstr = "OK"
if masterPassword != "" && masterUsername != "" {
okstr, err = redis.String(c.Do("AUTH", masterUsername, masterPassword))
} else if masterPassword != "" {
okstr, err = redis.String(c.Do("AUTH", masterPassword))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis master AUTH failed: <%s>", err.Error())
} else if okstr != "OK" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redis master AUTH failed: <%s>", okstr)
if !TestRole(c, "master") {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"master(%s) got by name '%s' is not redis master",
masterAddr, masterName)
return nil, err
if cfg.Debug {
c = logging.NewLoggingConn(c, logStdLogger, logPrefix)
return c, nil
// NoSentinelsAvailable is returned when all sentinels in the list are exhausted
// (or none configured), and contains the last error returned by Dial (which
// may be nil)
type NoSentinelsAvailable struct {
lastError error
func (ns NoSentinelsAvailable) Error() string {
if ns.lastError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("redigo: no sentinels available; last error: %s", ns.lastError.Error())
return fmt.Sprintf("redigo: no sentinels available")
// putToTop puts Sentinel address to the top of address list - this means
// that all next requests will use Sentinel on this address first.
// From Sentinel guidelines:
// The first Sentinel replying to the client request should be put at the
// start of the list, so that at the next reconnection, we'll try first
// the Sentinel that was reachable in the previous connection attempt,
// minimizing latency.
func (s *Sentinel) putToTop(addr string) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
for i, a := range s.Addrs {
if a == addr {
s.Addrs[0], s.Addrs[i] = s.Addrs[i], s.Addrs[0]
// putToBottom puts Sentinel address to the bottom of address list.
// We call this method internally when see that some Sentinel failed to answer
// on application request so next time we start with another one.
func (s *Sentinel) putToBottom(addr string) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
for i, a := range s.Addrs {
if a == addr {
copy(s.Addrs[i:], s.Addrs[i+1:])
s.Addrs[len(s.Addrs)-1] = a
// defaultPool returns a connection pool to one Sentinel. This allows
// us to call concurrent requests to Sentinel using connection Do method.
func (s *Sentinel) defaultPool(addr string) *redis.Pool {
return &redis.Pool{
MaxIdle: 3,
MaxActive: 10,
Wait: true,
IdleTimeout: 240 * time.Second,
Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
return s.Dial(addr)
TestOnBorrow: func(c redis.Conn, t time.Time) error {
_, err := c.Do("PING")
return err
func (s *Sentinel) poolForAddr(addr string) *redis.Pool {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if pool, ok := s.pools[addr]; ok {
return pool
newPool := s.newPool(addr)
if pool, ok := s.pools[addr]; ok {
return pool
if s.pools == nil {
s.pools = make(map[string]*redis.Pool)
s.pools[addr] = newPool
return newPool
func (s *Sentinel) newPool(addr string) *redis.Pool {
if s.Pool != nil {
return s.Pool(addr)
return s.defaultPool(addr)
// close connection pool to Sentinel.
// Lock must be hold by caller.
func (s *Sentinel) close() {
for _, pool := range s.pools {
s.pools = nil
func (s *Sentinel) doUntilSuccess(f func(redis.Conn) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
addrs := s.Addrs
var lastErr error
for _, addr := range addrs {
conn := s.poolForAddr(addr).Get()
reply, err := f(conn)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return reply, nil
return nil, NoSentinelsAvailable{lastError: lastErr}
// MasterAddr returns an address of current Redis master instance.
func (s *Sentinel) MasterAddr() (string, error) {
return redis.String(s.doUntilSuccess(func(c redis.Conn) (interface{}, error) {
return queryForMaster(c, s.MasterName)
// SlaveAddrs returns a slice with known slave addresses of current master instance.
func (s *Sentinel) SlaveAddrs() ([]string, error) {
return redis.Strings(s.doUntilSuccess(func(c redis.Conn) (interface{}, error) {
return queryForSlaveAddrs(c, s.MasterName)
// Slave represents a Redis slave instance which is known by Sentinel.
type Slave struct {
ip string
port string
flags string
// Addr returns an address of slave.
func (s *Slave) Addr() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(s.ip, s.port)
// Available returns if slave is in working state at moment based on information in slave flags.
func (s *Slave) Available() bool {
return !strings.Contains(s.flags, "disconnected") && !strings.Contains(s.flags, "s_down")
// Slaves returns a slice with known slaves of master instance.
func (s *Sentinel) Slaves() ([]*Slave, error) {
res, err := s.doUntilSuccess(func(c redis.Conn) (interface{}, error) {
return queryForSlaves(c, s.MasterName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.([]*Slave), nil
// SentinelAddrs returns a slice of known Sentinel addresses Sentinel server aware of.
func (s *Sentinel) SentinelAddrs() ([]string, error) {
return redis.Strings(s.doUntilSuccess(func(c redis.Conn) (interface{}, error) {
return queryForSentinels(c, s.MasterName)
// Discover allows to update list of known Sentinel addresses. From docs:
// A client may update its internal list of Sentinel nodes following this procedure:
// 1) Obtain a list of other Sentinels for this master using the command SENTINEL sentinels <master-name>.
// 2) Add every ip:port pair not already existing in our list at the end of the list.
func (s *Sentinel) Discover() error {
addrs, err := s.SentinelAddrs()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, addr := range addrs {
if !stringInSlice(addr, s.Addrs) {
s.Addrs = append(s.Addrs, addr)
return nil
// Close closes current connection to Sentinel.
func (s *Sentinel) Close() error {
return nil
// TestRole wraps GetRole in a test to verify if the role matches an expected
// role string. If there was any error in querying the supplied connection,
// the function returns false. Works with Redis >= 2.8.12.
// It's not goroutine safe, but if you call this method on pooled connections
// then you are OK.
func TestRole(c redis.Conn, expectedRole string) bool {
role, err := getRole(c)
return err == nil && role == expectedRole
// getRole is a convenience function supplied to query an instance (master or
// slave) for its role. It attempts to use the ROLE command introduced in
// redis 2.8.12.
func getRole(c redis.Conn) (string, error) {
res, err := c.Do("ROLE")
if err != nil {
return "", err
rres, ok := res.([]interface{})
if ok {
return redis.String(rres[0], nil)
return "", errors.New("redigo: can not transform ROLE reply to string")
func queryForMaster(conn redis.Conn, masterName string) (string, error) {
res, err := redis.Strings(conn.Do("SENTINEL", "get-master-addr-by-name", masterName))
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(res) < 2 {
return "", errors.New("redigo: malformed get-master-addr-by-name reply")
masterAddr := net.JoinHostPort(res[0], res[1])
return masterAddr, nil
func queryForSlaveAddrs(conn redis.Conn, masterName string) ([]string, error) {
slaves, err := queryForSlaves(conn, masterName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slaveAddrs := make([]string, len(slaves))
for i, slave := range slaves {
slaveAddrs[i] = slave.Addr()
return slaveAddrs, nil
func queryForSlaves(conn redis.Conn, masterName string) ([]*Slave, error) {
res, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("SENTINEL", "slaves", masterName))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slaves := make([]*Slave, len(res))
for i, a := range res {
sm, err := redis.StringMap(a, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slaves[i] = &Slave{ip: sm["ip"], port: sm["port"], flags: sm["flags"]}
return slaves, nil
func queryForSentinels(conn redis.Conn, masterName string) ([]string, error) {
res, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("SENTINEL", "sentinels", masterName))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sentinels := make([]string, len(res))
for i, a := range res {
sm, err := redis.StringMap(a, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sentinels[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", sm["ip"], sm["port"])
return sentinels, nil
func stringInSlice(str string, slice []string) bool {
for _, s := range slice {
if s == str {
return true
return false