apiVersion: krew.googlecontainertools.github.com/v1alpha2 kind: Plugin metadata: name: ls spec: homepage: https://git.qoobing.com/r/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl-plugins.git shortDescription: Interactive list and select resource before execute kubectl. version: "v0.1.0" description: | Interactive list and select resource before execute kubectl. You don't need to 'copy' pod name(or something else) when you execute a kubectl command which need it. Usage example: kubectl ls get pod kubectl ls get pod -n kube-system kubectl ls exec -it -- bash kubectl ls logs --tail 100 platforms: - selector: matchExpressions: - key: "os" operator: "In" values: - darwin - linux uri: https://git.qoobing.com/public/download/kubels-v0.1.0.tar.gz sha256: 6efae8f89f172db8616fbb45a61d0eb51be52b21bbb644f97081c9f6806a296b bin: kubels.sh files: - from: /kube*/* to: .